
Interiors that make beautiful music

Good day fine people!

I love music in general, but for some reason I've always specifically been drawn to pianos. It's a wonder and a crying shame that I still do not know how to play the instrument. Maybe I'll make a move in that direction soon. Let's see...

I am persuaded that it is for this reason that I cannot resist a piano in a home. Anywhere in the house. Except for maybe the bathroom... then again it is something that I will consider. Hmmmm... thinking bubble.

I love it when justice is done to the presence of the piano and it forms part of the interiors. One of my two favourite things; designing a space in a way that allows and welcomes a piano to be part of that space. Now that, is music to my ears. A piano shouldn't just stand in a corner and only be used as an instrument to play beautiful musical masterpices. I believe that it's a masterpieces in itself....

Incorporate it into your design and use along with your other furniture and accessories. I can't believe that it won't be a number 1 hit. When looking for pictures to bring out my thoughts I fell in love with pianos even more. I hope you enjoy as much as I did :-)

I absolutely adore this space


Cozy & calm

I'm completely convinced that the world would be a better place if we all had a grand piano in our bedrooms?

Elegant perfection

A rustic dream
Library and a piano? Yes!

Cute as a button

A dream

Insanely beautiful and pure


Classic Glamour

Thank you for visiting again!

Ciao :-)


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