
Interiors that make beautiful music

Good day fine people!

I love music in general, but for some reason I've always specifically been drawn to pianos. It's a wonder and a crying shame that I still do not know how to play the instrument. Maybe I'll make a move in that direction soon. Let's see...

I am persuaded that it is for this reason that I cannot resist a piano in a home. Anywhere in the house. Except for maybe the bathroom... then again it is something that I will consider. Hmmmm... thinking bubble.

I love it when justice is done to the presence of the piano and it forms part of the interiors. One of my two favourite things; designing a space in a way that allows and welcomes a piano to be part of that space. Now that, is music to my ears. A piano shouldn't just stand in a corner and only be used as an instrument to play beautiful musical masterpices. I believe that it's a masterpieces in itself....

Incorporate it into your design and use along with your other furniture and accessories. I can't believe that it won't be a number 1 hit. When looking for pictures to bring out my thoughts I fell in love with pianos even more. I hope you enjoy as much as I did :-)

I absolutely adore this space


Cozy & calm

I'm completely convinced that the world would be a better place if we all had a grand piano in our bedrooms?

Elegant perfection

A rustic dream
Library and a piano? Yes!

Cute as a button

A dream

Insanely beautiful and pure


Classic Glamour

Thank you for visiting again!

Ciao :-)



Scandanavian Flair

Good day everyone!

It is a HOT day in South Africa today and somehow in my mind it makes sense to post something that is light and airy. Whenever I saw pictures of Scandinavian Interiors it always exuded calmness, light, style and simplicity. When I read a few articles I found that this is the essence of this type of style or design.

If you would like to get the look an abundance of natural materials especially wood is a signature feature. In the fabrics department you can't go wrong with Linen and Cotton. White walls, a blend of straight lines and curves satisfies my love for contrast. Colour also plays an important role to bring everything together and just grounds the spaces beautifully.

More words I associate with this design is; eclectic, vintage, elegance.

I hope I analyzed it correctly or at least close enough. If not, I would love to hear from you. Even if you would just like to add something. Please do. I am always excited to learn something new :-)

Hope you've enjoyed today's share.

Thank you for visiting

Chat soon

Ciao :-)



Spreading some Christmas cheer!

Good day everybody,

Yes, it is that time of the year again. The purpose of this post is purely to spread some Christmas cheer and a bit of inspiration for your decor.


 Chat soon.

Thanks for reading :-)




Kitchen Remodel

Good day beautiful people!

Perhaps when you saw today's post title you thought; "I'd love to, but it would cost too much money". I looked up the word "remodel" and it's defined as to transform, remake, refashion, adjust, makeover. Btw, it did not mention it being an expensive exercise. And some may argue that to do all those things costs a lot of money. And my response to that is... NOT NECESSARILY.

You'll find that making the smallest change can bring dramatic results. Try out a few of the below tips and see what I mean. Don't forget to send me pics!

Here's a few tips

1) Paint - In my personal opinion painting a room is the foundation for any great makeover. Chosing the right colour will set the right mood and enhance the overall look and feel of a room. It's amazing what big difference this small change only can make.

Mint - a fresh and safer option

If you're brave and want to paint the kitchen red. Why not! Just as long as it's the best choice for you
2) Update cabinets - Give cabinets a fresh coat of paint. If you have cabinets with inside panels you can replace the panels with glass ones.
Replace cabinet handles with trendier ones

Beautiful colour. Beautiful kitchen

3) Lighting - Change boring and old light fixtures with more decorative and trendier ones. A series of pendant light fixtures looks great over a kitchen island or breakfast nook. Even add a blingy chandelier on the main light fixture which normally is in the middle of the room. Why not? Bling's always in :-)

Love that light fixture

Pendant light over the kitchen island

Pendant lights over the eating area

Small, hearty and yet modern

4) Windows - Don't only opt for the normal aluminium blinds or plain curtains. My personal favourite is bamboo blinds. I love the texture it brings to a kitchen especially in contrast with the other materials in the kitchen e.g. glass, stainless steel. I can just image the contrast between the bamboo blinds with Lucite chairs or any other lucite  furniture...

Love the colour of the cabinets, but when chosing a bold colour be sure you'll be comfortable with it for a while. The chandelier is also awesome 

The contrast of the natural bamboo and stainless steel is pure bliss for me. Same goes for the mix of materials. The backsplash is also fits perfectly

5) Countertops - Cover old countertops in tiles e.g. ceramic, granite look alike, mosaic tiles.

Ceramic tile countertop

Granite tile countertop

Wooden top

6) Backsplash - The same goes here as for countertops. In yesterday's post Itchin For A Fabulous Kitchen I put a picture up with a mirrored backsplash. I love it because it is unusual and practical especially for smaller kitchens.

Stainless steel backsplash
 6) Flooring - There's a few alternatives you can explore. Laminte flooring, ceramic or granite tiles. Wooden floors. Then there's the more unusual choices like rubber tiles or polished. Also make sure that you do research of a few options and then choose one that's suitable and makes sense for your requirements and your way of life.

Polished concrete floor

Rubber floor tiles

Try something different and stay open minded

Do add your personality to your spaces.
Research the options presented to you and make the best choice for you.
Check out this website hgtv.com - it helps with inspiration.

Hope you enjoyed reading today's post.

Thanks for visiting

Ciao :-)
