
32000 Thank Yous … A post dedicated to 32000 views

The reason I started the blog is a bit of a strange one. I was at a point in my life where I was tired of going to a meaningless job everyday and get a meaningless salary at the end of the month. I knew that there was much more to me than what I was giving and wanted to explore that part of me that was laying dormant. And ironically enough, I discovered that it was the best part of me.

When I think back on my life I know that I know that I know that I’ve always loved interiors. I would always move around furniture and think out designs to make a space look better. I guess I thought it was just a hobby and never thought I could make a career out of it. The more I researched interior decorating and architecture(especially ancient architecture)I realised that I really loved it with a passion. I then found out that Interior Design is actually a combination of a bit of architecture and interior decorating. 

I so badly wanted to take a course in Interior Design and maybe look at pursuing a career change, but I never really made it happen. I remember everything came together when I had a casual chat with a friend of mine who said it was so obvious how much I loved it as my face would instantly light up whenever I talked about it. It was as simple as that… I started reading everything I could find about Interior Design. I fell in love more and more and my passion for it just grew. As a result I would sometimes feel overwhelmed with all the beautiful images and ideas flooding my head. I had to find a way to express my excitement whenever I would see a beautiful designed space. I had to channel and process my thoughts so they were more organised and clear. And that’s how I started my blog…

32000 views later, I’ve learnt even more. And the process will never stop. I want to thank everyone for each and every view, every second taken out to visit my blog. Your views encourages me to continue and to get better. It’s not perfect yet, but I commit myself again to bring you better content with every post.  

Again, a heartfelt THANK YOU from the bottom of my heart.

Thank you for visiting… Ciao!